Who Invented the lightbulb | When was electricity invented

Who Invented the lightbulb | when was electricity invented

Who Invented the lightbulb | When was electricity invented

Light Bulb Invented was the first people to light a fire to remove darkness. In the 18th century, people started using candles and lamps made from oil. After this, as early as the 19th century, the built lanterns were used. Their use did not give full illumination. Because these vessels did not last long. They also had to be taxed more.

The discovery of light bulb changed the life of man. Do you know who invented the bulb. If you do not know, then we tell you that Light Bulb Ka Avishkar Thomas Alva Edison did it in 1879. Light bulbs were discovered by many scientists even before Edison. But in reality Thomas Edison was successful only. Thomas Edison failed 1000 times, inventing the bulb. He got this success by going then.

First invented The Light bulb

Humphry Davy ne invented the first light bulb in 1802. Humphry Davy designed a battery using it with electricity. When they connected the wire with the battery and carbon. A carbon light has occurred. This is how the first electric bulb was discovered. He named this invention as the Electric Arc Lamp. But one of the problems with this invention was that it did not produce light for long. It was difficult to use in a normal way.

Over the next seven decades, many scientists also made light bulb but none were able to make such a design. Which can be launched in the market and people can use it. A few decades later in 1840, the British scientist Warren de la Rue placed the coiled platinum filament in a vacuum tube. The electric current passed through it. The purpose of this experiment was that the high melting point of platinum was higher than

By keeping at temprature, the light will last longer than before. But the biggest problem on this was that this platinum is very expensive. Because of which there was a lot of problem in production and no one would buy it.

By 1850 se 1870 Joseph Wilson Swan made a light bulb. He published a light bulb designed with the help of a carbon road. But after a few minutes the use of more electricity broke. On July 24, 1874, a Canadian patent was filed by Henry Woodward and a colleague, Matthew Evans, by a Toronto medical electrician. Woodward and Evans attempted to commercialize their Light Bulb, but were unsuccessful. He eventually sold his patent to Edison in 1879.

Incandescent light bulb

1878 I thomas edison started doing serious research to develop a useful Incandescent light bulb. 14 October 1878 Thomas Edison applied his first patent for electric lights improvement. However, he continued to examine a variety of materials for Metal's Filament to improve his original design. By 4 November 1879, he gave another U. S. Patient for an electric bulb. It consists of a carbon filament and strip coiled and connected using platina contact wires.

However this patent described several methods of making carbon filament, including cotton and cotton yarn, wood splatter, using paper colied in various ways. It was discovered by Edison and his team for several months after the patent was granted. A carbon Bamboo Filament can last 1200 hours more.
This discovery marked the beginning of commercially produced light bulbs. In 1880, Thomas Edison's company Edison Electric Light Company started marketing its new product. This discovery made Edison a very successful businessman.

Some important dates

1906 -General Electric Company was the first to patent a method of making tungsten filament for use in c Incandescent light bulb.

1910 - William David Coolidge of General Electric reformed the manufacturing process to make the longest-lasting tungsten filaments.
1920 - The first light bulb is produced. Which was used for car headlamps, and neon lighting.
The 1930s - 1930 saw the invention of small one-time flashbulbs and fluorescent tanning lamps for photography.
1940 - First 'soft light' incandescent light bulb.
In the 1950s - Quatiz glass and halogen light bulbs are produced.
1980s - New low wattage metal plows are made.
1990s - Long-life bulbs and compact fluorescent bulbs make their debut

 Final Words For Light Bulb

I hope you have come to know from the information given about my re-inventing the bulb. How the bulb was invented. Thomas Edison had taken so much trouble in its invention. If Thomas Edison had not invented the bulb, then imagine whom we would have lived. For this reason Thomas Edison is called the birth donor of the light bulb. If you like my information, then share it with your friends.

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