Green Tea Ke Fayde Aur Nuksan

Green Tea Ke Fayde Aur Nuksan

Green Tea Ke Fayde Aur Nuksan


Green Tea Benefits and side effects

Green tea is very beneficial for our health. When it comes to fitness and health, the benefits of green tea cannot be removed. Green tea has many benefits for health, so people all over the world have started adopting it.

Scientists whose uncle we will do in this article, we will tell you the benefits and some disadvantages of green tea in our article, in which we will share some information with you. And at the end of the article, we will also tell its disadvantages before going to its benefits, we will know what is green tea.

What is green tea

Green tea is made from Camellia, it is used not only for green tea but also for many types of tea such as black tea. Green tea has been seen to have the greatest impact on human health. If we talk about green Tea and Black Tea may be similar to the same plant, but the method of making both is very different, after cutting fresh leaves to produce Green Tea The latter in order to preserve to the good development of green tea promotes Jai process health now comes to benefits of green tea

 beneficial for losing weight 

Green tea is very beneficial for weight loss. The antioxidants present in it helps in reducing weight by increasing metabolism. Green tea is very beneficial in reducing weight and abdominal fat if taken in limited quantity every day.

Consumption of green tea increases the risk of obesity due to our high-calorie intake. A cup of green tea, ie 245 grams, contains only 2.45 calories. Drinking green tea does not increase weight.

Beneficial for the brain

We need healthy blood to work with our brains. according to a study, people who drink green tea in limited way have more activity in memory area working in their brain. Green tea is present.

Hair and teeth

Drinking green tea reduces hair fall or contains antioxidants.
Due to which our hair fall is reduced. Teeth shine in hair
It is also very beneficial for. A lot of thought due to worm in the teeth due to its consumption
lives. Due to the benefits of green tea, we have to take the place of normal tea
should do.

 blood pressure control

Blood pressure is also largely controlled by the consumption of green tea. So we day Should drink green tea of ​​three to four cup

Remove the stench of the mouth

Consumption of green tea is very beneficial for mouth health, its use removes the smell of the mouth.According to an Indian study, green tea prevents catarrh and other bacteria like intermedia and prevotella. Can be very harmful for health.

 Green tea for diabetes

 Drinking green tea prevents diabetes a lot. Actually one made in Japan The study found that drinking green tea daily and working drinkers When consuming green tea at 6, or more per day than people Individuals have a 33% lower risk of type 2% diabetes.

 Beneficial for  Cholesterol 

 People who consume green tea have a very low probability of cholesterol According to a report by Medical K, green tea has harmful cholesterol causing heart disease. There is a possibility of the possibility that Jai may reduce blood sessions present in red green tea. A capsule containing catechins has been found.

To relieve stress

To relieve stress and to be fresh, take green tea. The occurrence of stress is very beneficial due to the intake of amino acids found in it Acid removes anxiety and also intensifies the mind.

There are so many benefits of green tea here, there are some disadvantages here, there are advantages of this, there are some disadvantages also.

 For pregnant women

If a pregnant woman uses green tea twice a day, then there is enough Is more harmful because how I am dangerous for both mother and child It is believed to have been seen in cases. Anemia due to caffeine overdose, people who have anemia, should avoid green tea because iron deficiency is reduced due to anemia, it also reduces the amount of blood, if there is already iron deficiency then green tea is not If you want to take, then you can consume green tea in the middle while eating food so that you can take body iron.

 If you are taking any medicine

If you are taking antibiotics medicine then you should avoid taking green tea, in addition,if you take any contraceptive pills, flowers or home medicines. So green tea can be very harmful for you.

Because there are all such medicines in which consuming green tea can cause a lot of side effects, so if we are taking medicines then you should not drink tea.

Drinking more green tea

Drinking too much green tea can be very harmful for your digestive system, because of the high amount of caffeine in it, you have greatly damaged the balance of your digestive juices. In which your stomach can also get spoiled, the tannin present in green tea can make your stomach very bad because drinking green tea causes the stomach to produce more acid.

The problem of not sleeping

 Excessive consumption of green tea can also cause problems in our sleep because overeating affects our sleep greatly, along with the risk of other diseases.

Now let's talk about when and when to drink green tea.

If you use green tea properly, it is very beneficial for you.

Green tea should be avoided on an empty stomach in the morning. Because many people may have constipation and stomach gas problems. So drink only warm normal water in the morning

Green tea should be drunk 1 or 2 hours before eating food, because we may have problems due to sleep due to caffeine in it.

Some people drink milk and sugar mixed in green tea, but avoid making sugar and milk in green tea and honey should be used if necessary.

Green tea should be drunk 30 minutes before exercising. Because stamina with this

When should you drink green tea 2 hours before bedtime, because the caffeine in it can spoil your sleep, it can cause problems in your sleeping.

The method of making green tea is very easy. If you do not know, then we can make you very easily with the method given below.

Ingredients for making green tea

A green tea bag

A glass of hot water

recipe for green tea

Soak a bag of green tea in a glass of warm water for a minute or two.

When the whole tea gets wet from the bag, remove the bag.

After this, if you want to add honey to taste, then you can mix it and after that consume it.

tags:- green tea in hindi, green tea benefits in hindi, how to make green tea,why green tea bad for you, liptan green tea, green tea for diabetes , green tea benefits in english, green tea side effects, when to drink green tea.

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