Biography of DR Bhim Rao Ambedkar

Biography of  DR Bhim Rao  Ambedkar 

Biography of  DR Bhim Rao  Ambedkar

Bhimrao Ambedkar Biography in Hindi

Bhimrao Ambedkar Biography in English

Biography of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar

Dr. Bhim Rao Ramji Ambedkar is known as Babasaheb. These are the people who gave the Dalit caste their right and gave them the freedom to live gracefully in society. And he wrote the Indian Constitution and fought for the rights of Dalits and other socially backward classes.

But they had to face many difficulties to do all this because they themselves were from a lowly and Dalit caste.

Bhim Rao was appointed as the first Law Minister of India in Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's cabinet. India was awarded posthumously in 1990, Ratan, and the highest civilian of India.

Bhimrao's childhood and early life

Bhimrao was born on 14 April 1891 in the small village of Maho Sena Cantonment in Madhya Pradesh. His father's name was Ramji Molji Sakpal and his mother's name was Bhimabai. His father was in the rank of Subedar in the Indian Army. Bhimrao was the fourth child of his parents. After retirement in 1894, he moved to Satara with his family. A few days after his arrival here, his mother died.

Being born into the Mahar caste, Bhimrao was more discriminated against. Because people considered them untouchables and lower class. In childhood, he and his family were highly discriminated against.

And they were called as untouchables. After the death of Bhimrao's mother, his father got remarried. After this, his family moved to Bombay. In 1906, at the age of 15, his father married him to a 9-year-old girl, Ramabai Karav, because child marriage was prevalent in those days.

He was then teaching a fifth English class. His father also died in 1912.

Bhimrao was heavily discriminated against as he was fast in his childhood. They also had to take permission to drink water in school.

The teachers used to speak to the untouchable caste children in the school outside the classroom. Due to his caste, the boy was facing social resistance. Despite being the fastest in school, student Bhimrao had to face many kinds of hardships due to untouchability.

Education of bheemrao ambedkar

From the beginning, Bhimrao was very fast in studies but since childhood, he was seen as an untouchable and low caste in school and society. He passed his matriculation examination in 1908 from Elphinstone High School. In Bhimrao, he got an opportunity to attend Elphinstone College. And in 1912, he received his Bachelor's degree in Economics and Political Science from Bombay University. Successfully passed all his exams and remained in everyone and apart from this, he received a scholarship of 25 rupees for one month from Sahaja Rao, the ruler of Baroda.

After this, Ambedkar decided to go to America to further his studies as he got 25 rupees every month, it was time to use it.

Bhimrao enrolled at Columbia University in New York City to pursue his studies in economics, and in June 1915 he received an Indian Commerce Master's degree, in 1916 he enrolled at the London School of Economics. Where he started working on a doctoral thesis in economics. In June 1917, after being forced by Bhimrao, he left his studies and returned to India, as his scholarship from Baroda State ended. After this, he returned to India. While staying here, he worked as a clerk 

and an accountant, but he had to face discrimination wherever. The peon also saw them from the eyes of the untouchables and threw them away from the file. Fed up with this, Bhimrao quit his job and went back to London with the help of a friend and some of his money and continued his doctoral studies and in 1923 he received an Economics D.Sc (Doctor of Science). Received. After this Bhimrao took the University of Bonn, Germany.

While living in Economics, he received his Ph.D. in Economics in June 1927 and received all his degrees from Columbia University.

Struggle against untouchability

Bhimrao said that untouchability is worse than slavery. For this he decided to fight against the discrimination of caste after rolling out of India, due to which he suffered all his life.

In 1919, the Government of India should have a separate system for the preparation of the subordinate. Therefore, Bhimrao considered reservation for Dalits and other religious restrictions.

Bhimrao Ambedkar started looking for new ways to reach people to understand the flaws of social evils. After this, in 1920, with the help of Maharaja Shahaji of Kalakpur started the "Mooknayak" newspaper. Due to which the uproar spread in the socio-political sector of the whole country.

By 1927, Bhimrao Ambedkar pushed for the rights of Dalits and untouchables. He demanded to visit all temples for Dalits and castes. He condemned the Hindu for advocating discrimination for entering the Kalaram temple in Nashik and demonstrated

In 1932, there was a treaty between Bhimrao and Gandhi in Poona which is later known as Poona Pact.

In this treaty for reservation of seats for temporary assembly of untouchable classes within the same ballot.


Bhimrao's political career

Bhimrao's political career began in 1926. He held many posts till 1956.

In 1936, Bhimrao founded a party called the Independent Labor Party. When the Assembly elections were held in 1937, his party won 15 seats. Bhimrao has his political

Turned the party into an All India Scheduled Castes Association. However, in 1946, when the elections for the Constituent Assembly were performed very poorly.

Ambedkar condemned the Congress and Mahatma Gandhi for calling the untouchable caste as Harijan and said that the people of the untouchable community are like other people of the society. Bhimrao Ambedkar revolted this a lot. During the years 1942 to 1946, Bhimrao was appointed as the Minister of Labor in Defense and Advisory Seemati and Karyakari Parshad. Apart from this, Bhimrao gave an important contribution to the independence of India. After India's independence on 15 August 1947, the new Congress-led government invited Bhimrao Ambedkar to serve as the first law minister of the country, and Bhimrao accepted. After this Bhimrao created a new constitution which includes freedom of religion to abolish untouchability, violating all forms of discrimination. Bhimrao also made higher strata in the society for women and Scheduled Castes (SC) Scheduled Tribes (ST)

And demanded reservation of civil service schools and jobs for the people of Other Backward Classes (OBC) and presented their constitution in Parliament and it was also accepted.

Bhimrao enters Buddhism

In 1950, Bhimrao Ambedkar went to Sri Lanka to attend a conference of Buddhist scholars and monks. On his return, Bhimrao decided to write a book on Buddhism. And soon Buddhism became the hill. In 1955 Bhimrao Ambedkar founded the Indian Buddhist General Assembly.

His two books The Buddhist and his Dhamma were published posthumously. October 14, 1956, held a public conference. In which five million supporters converted to Buddhism.

Second marriage

Bhimrao's first wife Ramabai died in 1935 due to prolonged illness. After his wife's death, he became very ill. After completing the Constitution of India, he began to lack sleep. He moved to Bombay for his treatment. There he met Kabir Sharda doctor and he got married on 15 April 1948 in his home in New Delhi. Doctors had also demanded a life partner who knows how to cook good food and also has the medical knowledge to take care of them. Dr. Sharada Kabir later married Savita Ambedkar and took care of her for the rest of her life. Savita Ambedkar was called Mai or Maisaheb. He died at the age of 93 on 29 May 2003 in Mohali, New Delhi.

Died of Bhimrao

After 1948, he started suffering from diabetes. Very ill from June to October 1954.

And due to political issues, his condition started deteriorating and finally died on 6 December 1956 at his home in Delhi. Since he adopted Buddhism. Therefore, he was cremated in Buddhist style. Workers and fans were attended by hundreds of thousands of supporters.

In the end, we can say that on that day we lost a great personality. Which gave Dalit and untouchable caste freedom to live freely. Therefore, after his death, he was honored with Bharat Ratna and his birth anniversary is celebrated on 14 April and the government is also missed.

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