The Black Death History

The Black Death History 

The Black Death History in hindi

The Black Death History in Hindi

The Black Death History, also known as Black Death. This proved to be the biggest epidemic in the history of entire Europe. Because it killed 7.5 to 20 crores people. The onset of the epidemic from 1346
It had been since 1347 and the night of this epidemic killed many people. This was the night that left everyone, what children, old and young, this epidemic did not leave anyone, and whoever saw the sun of the day, before seeing the moon of the night, he left the world.

In history, this terrible event was called the 'Black Death', which destroyed more than half of Europe's population and then ended up wreaking havoc in Asia and Africa.

Thank God we did not see that period.

But it is important for us to know that what was this black death: -

Europe suffers from this big epidemic

The condition of modern Europe that we are seeing today, in the 13th century, was not much better than the African countries, people here had limited means of employment and most of the population was dependent on agriculture. The economic condition was almost similar to the countries of Asia, as people were living here, due to lack of education and lack of health, the medical place was not worked.

The people of Europe depended only on God to deal with natural disasters. They go to church to pray and if this is not enough, then they did not have any concern with medicines by resorting to Tantra. In 1315, changes started in the weather of Europe, which affected the health of the people there. A second similar effect has been effected on agriculture.

The population was continuously increasing in the country. The comparative situation here has changed in a short time. Due to change in weather, when there should be no rain, heavy rains fell at that time and crops got spoiled. Winter season once came, then it did not last long. Due to which slowly the earth started becoming barren. The same came true when there was a 300-fold increase in grain shops. Men went on the rampage for their starving children.
People were ready to even bleed each other to get a bag of grain. Those who were helpless but dying in starvation. Europe had to take 50 years of work to emerge from this tragedy. The public showed courage and continued to try to get out of these horrific conditions. Slowly years started passing and everything was coming on track but nobody knew that even bigger tragedy is waiting for them.

When the 'Black Death' created

The year 1347 month October date is not recorded in history, but still the day of forgetting was pleasant as the air of Europe. People were engaged in the work of their homes. Life was preparing to run again on the track. While some people were waiting for the arrival of their loved ones… with this, people stood at the Sicily Bandh. In fact, some business ships were returning here and these ships were anxiously awaiting the family of the workers. By the morning, the ships started arriving at the port. One half a dozen ships were accumulated. People were eagerly hammering the doors of the ship and that did not cause any stir. There was no ship for long. through the crowd

Someone dared to step on the ship. The scene there was Khawarn. All were alone on the ship. Under the pile of ferns, some live people were still in the final breath. The captain of the ship had somehow brought the bikes to his house but dead! No one understood anything. Everyone took down Bhuj one by one. People who gave relief to live survivors were brought. Screaming everywhere. Nobody could understand what happened after all.

People's bodies were gradually becoming black, which they understood, they started trying. Gathered sons together. Excavation of the land started to bury them. This work took place from morning to evening. The entire city was in a bad state. People were tired and sitting with an unhappy mind that in a short time, some other people were reported to be ill. These were people who did not board the ship. Rather, they were serving the patients who got off the ship. After this, many people got the chance to see them getting sick. Screams erupted all around. No one has been able to understand before God called them to him. Actually it was a plague

Famine was destroyed before the epidemic

If we look at the history of 13th-14th century, the condition of Europe was not very good with other countries. The effect of natural disasters and diseases was the same in Europe as it was in other countries. Northern Europe was in the grip of food crisis around 1315 before the Black Death spread. Actually, after 1310, the weather in Europe had become increasingly bleak. Due to this, farming was badly affected ...

On the other hand, the population of Europe was also increasing and then that was what was expected. In 1315, in a season normally there should be no rain at all, in that season it started raining continuously and the winter season also got prolonged. Due to this, agriculture was completely destroyed and there was a hunger in front of people. It is said that at that time the shortage of food grains had increased so much that those who had food grains started selling them by offering 300 percent price. Those who had no means were forced to die of hunger. Millions of people in northern Europe died in an agonizing death due to hunger. It was not easy to recover from such a huge tragedy. Still somehow Europe was recovering from it but someone

Did not think that even a bigger tragedy was going to knock.

How did the plague finally reach here?

The problem could have been solved when it was known where the root of the problem was but it was not possible even in those problems. Later researches have shown that the plague epidemic reached Europe via China. Actually the plague started in China. After 1340, China once again gave the plague tip. But this havoc was not only reaching the border of China, but it was advancing. In fact, land and water routes were developed to establish contacts between Asia, South Asia and Central Asia in order to facilitate trade. Since silk trade first started, this route was named Silk Road.

Ships from Europe arrived in China in 1346. At that time there was a havoc of plague and the black rats affected by this havoc boarded the ship with the goods. The Europeans did not know that they were carrying the infection of the plague along with the rats. According to the information, the rats entered the ships which arrived in Crimea, Ukraine. Get out of the ship to go to your country.

This route was for several weeks. Meanwhile, as soon as the air was exposed, the infection of the plague started spreading to the people aboard the ship. Slowly, the sailors on the ship started breaking the dam. These were the same ships that reached Sisley Bandaga in 1347. When the people took the weapons from the ships and started serving the patients, they did not know that this plague was epidemic. . Then as people came in contact with the infectious person, their

 condition began to deteriorate. In a few weeks the plague has spread from one city to another and then to the villages. Not only this but within 8 months the plague Had engulfed Africa Italy Spain England France Austria Germany Switzerland Germany Scandinavia and the Betricator. The people were unable to get out of the house at the rate of epidemic. Shops and business closed. The priests advised to pray in times of crisis. The problem was worsened when no one who cremated the dead bodies was left. Humans, humans and animals also started breaking the dam.

The death figure was first thousand, then 10 thousand then 50 thousand and this number was increased to millions. According to an estimate, by 1350, 40 percent of Europe's population had died due to the plague. The death toll in Asia and Africa also crossed 25 lakh. Nearly 3 years had passed. The weather started changing and due to this the effect of infection started to weaken. The plague wreaked havoc. People breathed a sigh of relief till now the death toll was over 50 lakhs. So God was upset! The plague was an epidemic and was not getting any treatment. Nobody even knew that

So did God become angry!

What should be done to avoid an epidemic? In such a situation, a belief started coming that God is angry with us and that is why they are wreaking havoc. The doctrine of Roman Catholicism or purgatory taught reinforced this notion. The author Dante gave a book called Diva Da Divine Comedy about hell and pergency. After this people considered the plague to be the wrath of God. As a result, there was an atmosphere of superstition all around. Philip Ziegler in his book, Dr. Black 

Death, has said that people were ruined by their own self. There was two types of plague in Europe. The first was pneumonic. In which the Finnish is absorbed and blood vomits and the patient dies within three days. The second was badunic. In which the joint of the patient's thighs and the armpit comes out in which the pass is filled and death occurs in five days. The second type of plague caused the most deaths. Since the people of Europe were weak due to lack of better food, they were quickly getting caught.

Due to superstition, people started sending them to church. Prayers started when Tantra Sadhana's help was taken. This did not cure the plague, but some people became rich. It took five years for this epidemic to end. Not once, but halt, the plague wreaked havoc four to five times by the end of the rotten. During that time, the atmosphere of Europe was more frightening than the First World War. Due to population work, the number of laborers became work. Employment opportunities are almost gone.

If there was no benefit from prayer in the church, then people began to trust God. In this topic, the book 'Da Black Death' has written that a different cult was created during this period, which was called the Whipping Cult. It had 80,000 members! These members used to whip themselves publicly. Midiwal Hiyarsi wrote in his book that these cults believed that there was no strength in the church. Pop opposed this cult but became very famous among people because they used to hurt themselves. He was of the opinion that God is angry with us, so we too have to face the same torture that God has suffered. In 1894, the French bacteriologist Alexander Yerson discovered the plague-spreading bacteria. This bacterium was named Yarsinia pestis. Then in 1898, the French Pol-Louis Seamon reported that the plague was spread by fleas found in small animals such as rats and squirrels.

After these discoveries, vaccines were prepared to prevent plague. But there is no relief even today because the havoc of the plague had not ended. Even after making the vaccine, around 50,000 people died of plague in Manchuria in 1910.

The report of the World Health Organization says that the plague has not ended from the earth. Even today, death from plague continues in different parts of the world. It is believed that as long as people do not take care of cleanliness, they will continue to be a victim of plague. La Ra La Peus I La Bubon has written a book in which he said that it is sad that the plague which spread panic and ruin in Europe in the Middle Ages is a threat to humans in future too.

What after this epidemic!

After about 5 years of destruction in the year 1352, the impact of the Black Death began to work because people had taken themselves away from the sick people as a precaution. Europe was almost deserted due to the loss of half the population. Buildings and factories were empty. But time still had to pass. Life had to go on even then… then it went on. After a lot of efforts, activity took place in the closed machines of the factories. Since the population was done, wages 

became expensive. Therefore, the goods made in the factories started selling expensive. Yes, the price of food items did not increase because the population was also working. Due to the Black Death, superstition was also spread among the people. People used to think that God turned his face so this happened. Some people even started calling it black magic. Europe's art and culture was also severely damaged by the Black Death. The art-culture was dead.

Well, in the midst of all the miseries, Europe tried very hard to handle it. It took hundreds of years for the people of Europe to get back to life in the field of art, culture and governance.

Tags:- The Black Death History In Hindi, the black death a personal history,the black death a turning point in history, black death history, plague history. 

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